Fresh off a Brothers Unconnected European tour, the enigmatic Sir Richard Bishop has set his sights on a run through the wild, new, Japanese frontier! I know what you're thinking - the good Bishop, he's been all around the world - this must be his first time over there since the earthquake! Well dude, this actually his first time touring Japan as a solo guitarist/wizard! Sun City Girls made the trip back in 1996, but this tour is all Bishop n' guitar: no filler, no additives, no gluten. And so, starting next Friday, June 17th, old Sir Rick hits the soil over there, ready with tunes, ragas, and ditties from Polytheistic Fragments, The Freak Of Araby, and more, probably. When you're Sir Richard Bishop, there's always more up your sleeve or somewhere. For those that need it, we can't think of a better form of relief than the sometimes peaceful/sometimes raga-ous six-string heroics for which the he is best known. Sir Richard may heal those that need healing, he might bolster those that need bolstering, and he'll certainly suspend disbelief while shredding away-- it's the best this man can do, which we can expect of any man. Rave on, Bish!
June 17, 2011: Nagoya @ Tokuzo
June 18, 2011: Osaka @ Sunsui
June 19, 2011: Tokyo @ O-nest