Abre Los Ojos Bonnie Fans!! Fall is rapidly approaching, so we're trying to squeeze the last drop out of Summer by giving you LIVE Bonnie 'Prince' Billy footage! Wolfroy Goes To Town comes out Oct. 4th and to keep you drooling 'till it hits the streets, we have HQ LIVE footage from Bonnie's performance this Summer in sweet home Chicago's Millennium Park. The folks at Gyroskope filmed the whole damn thing and we want to give you the first glimpse at this amazing performance. Footage for "Island Brothers" and "There Is No God" are currently available, with more to come, natch. Anyway, what is Gyroskope? Apparently, it's a cloud-based service through which one can purchase high quality video, that one can then access through their site as well as any of your mobile toys, like "phones" - its the wave of the future people, ride it! Check this shit out, man - see the whole Wolfroy band doing wolfroy-like stuff, without hearing any actual Wolfroy Goes To Town material (YET)... for that, you can dig the first single, "Quail and Dumplings" right here! SALUD!!

posted September 23rd, 2011
Artists in this story: Bonnie "Prince" Billy