Art lovers of Greater New York! Grab your monacles (or whatever it is you peer at fine art through - !) and head on out to the Arf Art Gallery of Parsippanny NJ (well, Boonton, actually - but they're practically the same) to catch the final moments of Bonnie 'Prince' Billy's much-noted month-long installation, "There Is Someone What Will Pay For This (Darkness)." Our kid's a reg'lar renaissance man - singing, acting and now making with the visual arts, some of which can be viewed distinctively in the image above.
The Bonnie 'Prince' isn't seeking to bankrupt collectors of the world a la Damien Hirst - he just wants back what he put in! Fortunately, the real art fans of New Jersey are willing to reimburse him, paying $2500 a "canvas." Not bad for a "day's work!"
Meanwhile, in his musical career, Bonnie 'Prince' Billy & The Cairo Gang with special guests The Babblers, are wrapping up a seaboard run with a show at NYC's historic Town Hall on Wednesday, December 8. They's still a few tix left, so you're in luck twice today.
Whether he's hanging on the wall or prowling in front of your eyes and ears, Bonnie 'Prince' Billy is there for you. Dial it up...